Flamenco Fridays with Antonio Canales y J. Carmona “Habichuela” y Niňo del Tupé
Farruco is a way of calling the Franciscos and the Asturians in Andalusia. Farruco was also the name that people from Andalusia used to denominate people from Galicia, from where this song likely originates. In Flamenco, being mostly an oral tradition, the lyrics often give valuable hints about their origins, and Farruca lyrics undoubtedly allude to the Galicia region. Further proof can be established from the descending melody that is performed on the vowel ‘a’ at the end of each couplet and to close the “cante” (Spanish for song or singing), which in a certain way tends to imitate the Galician melos. Another feature of Farruca cante is the use of glossolalia, “con el tran-tran-tran-treiro”, which is reminiscent of the Galician region. It has to be stressed, though, that to this day its geographic origin has not been proven scientifically.