“Bamberas” is a flamenco singing style that appeared when the traditional Andalusian “cante de columpio” started to be performed in a flamenco way. This singing was known as “bambas” or “mecederos” and were performed following “bamboleo del columpio” rhythm. They are composed either by four eight-syllable verses or the first and third ones are heptasyllable and the second and forth ones, pentasyllabic. Two first verses are generally repeated either at the end of the “copla” or they form a “quintilla”, repeating only the second one. Its origin is due to “la Niña de los Peines” (fandangos rhythm). It was reworked in 1970 by Fosforito and accompanied by Paco de Lucia, who imposed the definitive rhythm to twelve beats rhythm of “soleá”. Morente on his album “Lorca” from 1999 performed this singing by “tangos”. Other interpreters of this genre were artists such as Rocio Jurado or Carmen Linares.


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