Alan Jones
Alan Jones (born August 5, 1962) is an American jazz drummer, composer and educator. Born in Longview, Washington, he moved to Portland, Oregon at an early age and took up the drums and guitar as a young child. Jones’ first experience in his early career was with Count Dutch, an organist from Amsterdam who hired Jones to work with him as a drummer. His first album was Unsafe which was published in 1998.
Jones moved to Portland Oregon at an early age. He began playing the drums and guitar as a young child and had some instruction from local Jazz Pianist and Educator Arletta O’hearn Jones spent his high school years soaking in the vibrant local music scene. “I saw Dexter Gordon when I was in high school,” recalls Jones, who sneaked in an upstairs window to soak up the music before he was caught and ejected”. Jones was inspired by Jazz musicians Saxophonist Sonny King, John Stowell and Mel Brown as well as Jim Pepper and David Friesen who would help establish his early career. One of the first such experiences was provided by an organist from Amsterdam named Count Dutch, who hired Jones to work with him on the road after hearing him play at one of Dutch’s jam sessions. These tours also presented an opportunity to play extensively with Saxophonist Jim Pepper, a relationship that Jones would build on in the future. This musical period lasted until Dutch’s premature death three years later.