Cosmos VdB 4

NGC 225 is an open cluster in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is located roughly 2,200 light-years from Earth. It is about 100 to 150 million years old. The binary fraction, or the fraction of stars that are multiple stars, is 0.52. At the 2022 Eldorado Star Party amateur astronomer Will Young, a member of the Astronomical Society of South East Texas, dubbed this open cluster to feature the “Halloween Cat” asterism. A subgroup of brighter stars in this cluster appear to delineate a cat with forward facing eyes, arched back, and raised tail. NGC 225, The Sailboat Cluster, and VDB4 appear to be interacting with each other. Blue starlight from the cluster reflecting off of the interstellar dust while some of the dusk appears to soften the glow of the young stars in the cluster.


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