Cosmos Abell 35

Abell 35 is a planetary nebula visible in the constellation of Hydra .

It is observed in the direction of the Corvo constellation , about 4.5 ° east of β Corvi , south of Virgo ; it can be imaged with medium power telescopes. The most propitious period for its observation falls in the months between March and July, even if from the northern hemisphere , due to the increase in the evening hours of light, its observation is penalized; on the contrary, from the southern hemisphere it is more visible.

It is a planetary nebula located at a distance of about 160  parsecs (522 light years ) from the solar system ; at its center is located a variable cataclysmic known as LW Hydrae , a binary star consisting of a white dwarf , responsible for the creation of the nebula, and a dwarf yellow-white of the main sequence of spectral class G, separated by about 13  UA .

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