Tricky Sam Nanton

JoeTricky SamNanton (February 1, 1904 – July 20, 1946) was an American trombonist with the Duke Ellington Orchestra. A pioneer of the plunger mute, Nanton is notable for his use of the distinctive wah-waheffect.

He was born Joseph Irish Nanton in New York City, United States. His parents were John Barzly Nanton and Emily Irish, both immigrants from the British West Indies.

Nanton began playing professionally in Washington, D.C., with bands led by Cliff Jackson and banjoist Elmer Snowden.

From 1923 to 1924, Nanton worked with Frazier’s Harmony Five. A year later, he performed with Snowden. At the age of 22, Nanton found his niche in Duke Ellington’s Orchestra, when he reluctantly took the place of his friend Charlie Irvis in 1926, and remained with Ellington until his early death in 1946. Nanton, along with Lawrence Brown, anchored the trombone section.

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